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Welcome to
The Wong Reviews, a place where
things are reviewed by Bobo and Mandy Wong. Have a look around, while
you're at it, please tell us your comments and suggestions by signing our
Guestbook or sending us an
September 21, 2003 - 3.38 PM
Sorry for lack of updates, things have been slow.
Anyhow, by request of Wayne, his asianblue review has been updated.
And also my parents just left on a cruise today to leave me to starve to
death. :(
July 5, 2003 - 4.48 PM
Hi, I'm just saying good bye, for three weeks I'll be
gone, and Mandy will be gone for two weeks, so you won't see either of us
for awhile, so no updates. Mandy's gone to L.A. and I'm... we'll I'm
going to be exiled to an island no one has heard of before... Anyhow,
I hope everyone has a safe and happy summer (right...). I leave you
now with some mini-reviews for your reading pleasure.
Hulk - A good movie, but those who are expecting it to be action-packed
like X-Men and the Matrix will be sorely disappointed. It's more of a
dramatic movie, and it takes awhile to get to the action. But good
nevertheless since I enjoy drama.
Finding Nemo - A cute movie for everyone. Animated by Pixar.
Finding Nemo will be a tear-jerker from start to finish. Remember the
tissues if you can't handle the pressure.
Matrix: Reloaded - An alright movie. Fans of the first will like
it, but some may not find it a worthy successor to the original. I
think it's more action-driven, I would have enjoyed less action and more
story. But it had amazing action sequences.
X2: X-Men United - A magnificent movie. Those who liked the
first will like the second a hundred times more. Amazing special
effects. Those who haven't seen the first don't need to have to enjoy
this movie. I'm looking forward to X3.
Daredevil - Worst movie so far this year. Decent action.
NO STORY WHAT-SO-EVER. Don't even bother watching it if
you haven't already. If you must see this, wait for an acquaintance to
buy then borrow it, yes it is that bad.
On a final note:
(www.gamefaqs.com) And no, the
sun is not getting to me. Au revoir mes amis!
July 3, 2003 - 12.20 PM
I just put up my Ghosts of the Abyss movie
review, but then it's not really a movie...
July 3, 2003 - 11.18 AM
See? I got up bright and early just to update
this site. What? You mean to say 11:00 AM isn't early???
News to me. Anyhow, I further fixed up the guestbook, now the pics are
working :). They weren't before because the site I used decided to
veto my account. How unnice. Then when I decided to use the site
I usually use for... *ahem*direct linking*ahem* they decided to
so-conveniently have server problems. Anyways, I used a different
method, and it's working, so that's good enough for now. It would be
so much nicer if signmyguestbook.com allows users to have a certain amount
of space for pics and stuff, but probably can't afford it. Maybe I'll
just have to get a domain name hmm? Ah, too expensive neh? Oh
well. I also put up Leo's review of Finding Nemo, check it out.
July 2, 2003 - 12.41 PM
'Lo 'gain. I fixed up the guestbook now, now the
links to other people's sites work now. *note: always have 'http://' before
your web address, this was causing problems with the link. The people
with entries that had their entries without the http:// will not have their
links working, sadly www.signmyguesbook.com does not allow users to edit
their guest's entries. But hopefully we'll be seeing less problems now. I added 3 reviews today, yup, I'm
getting better. George Orwell's Animal Farm book review, and Lost
Kingdoms II and Golden Sun: The Lost Age games review. Yup, everything
seems to be getting lost nowadays...
July 1, 2003 - 4.31 PM
'Elo all faithful readers!... *tumbleweed passes by*...
er... yes... the tumbleweed is always a loyal supporter of The Wong Review
site. Anyways, all jokes aside (was it a joke?...), yeah, I've already
wrote up a few reviews, which I haven't typed up yet... some dating from
March to June, heh... very behind, neh? I'll try to get this site back
into shape, but I don't know how that will work out. I really want to design
a new layout, but all my attempts turn out to be a massive failure.
I'll try to get this site running at a steady pace before Saturday...
June 10,
2003 - 11.09 PM
Wow... this site is practically dead... how sad...
:(... maybe summer will be boring and it will be alive again...?
Satudray, March 1,
2003 - 11.09 PM
Hey, yes I am back after a long absence. I have a
book review up. Roverandom by none other than J.R.R. Tolkien, check it
out. So, yes, things are pretty slow now. Yup. Let's see
what March has to offer. March 23 - Gameboy Advance SP, March 26 - The
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker... er.... that's all I can think of for